Deworming Services for Pets

Deworming is an important step in the preventative care we offer our patients. The worms that can infect your pet live inside their bodies, damaging their internal organs as they mature and multiply. An infection can result in various medical issues in your pet and in severe cases result in death. In most cases your loyal companion won’t show early signs of an infection which is why we recommend testing them regularly. Even though you can’t see the worms doesn’t mean they aren’t there. To learn more about deworming, please call us at 705-434-2226.

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What worms might infect my pet?

Your pet can become infected with heartworms, whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms and roundworms. Some of these worms are infectious to humans which is why it’s so important to prevent them. Zoonotic worms like tapeworms and roundworms are transmissible to other species including humans.

What increases my pet’s exposure to worms?

The chances of your furry friend being infected with worms is different from other pets. This is due to your pet’s lifestyle and surroundings. Here are some factors that make your furry friend more likely to get worms:

  • The area where they live is commonly affected by parasites. 
  • Your pet interacts with other animals at the park or daycare.
  • Travelling to other provinces or countries can expose your pet to parasites that weren’t included in their prevention plan.

How are worms diagnosed?

There are three different ways in which we can diagnose worms in your pet. Tapeworms are the only worms that can be diagnosed with the naked eye. Other intestinal worms are diagnosed through microscopic examination of the patient’s stool. Heartworms are different, since they live within the heart we run blood tests to detect them. We recommend testing even if your pet isn’t showing symptoms.

How can I reduce the risk of infection in my pet or members of my family?

When you protect your furry friend from worms you also prevent your family from catching them. The best way to protect everyone is to have your pet dewormed regularly. As puppies and kittens your pet should be dewormed every two weeks until they are 3-months-old. As adults it’s important that pets get dewormed as frequently as their veterinarian recommends. We may recommend deworming every four months to give your pet ample protection. Other ways you can prevent worms from spreading are by:

  1. Covering litter boxes when not in use
  2. Pick up after your pet when you go on walks
  3. Wash your hands properly after disposing your pet’s feces

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