Spays and neuters are routine surgeries recommended for most pets. Besides preventing reproduction, there are many health benefits to having the procedure done. Veterinarians usually recommend the procedure when your pet is around 6-months-old, even if your pet is older they can still have the surgery as long as they are healthy.
Why is spaying and neutering necessary?
Spaying and neutering ends the heat cycle in male and female pets. Neutering is performed on male pets whereby both testicles are removed during the procedure. Spaying removes the female’s ovaries and uterus. Both procedures prevent reproduction, which helps reduce the stray population and overcrowding in shelters. Your pet will also avoid behaviours associated with the heat cycle. (For example, they won’t hump objects, spray furniture, roam or become aggressive at other animals or people.) There are other health benefits to having the procedures done for your pet. Studies have shown that pets who do not have the surgery may develop cancer, uterine infections and prostate problems.
How can I prepare my pet for spay and neuter surgery?
Our team follows strict protocols during all surgical procedures to ensure your pet’s safety. One of the first requirements of surgery is that all pets need to fast for about 8 hours. If your pet doesn’t fast the food will not have time to be digested. This can cause them to vomit under anesthesia – a potentially fatal complication. We also recommend all pets be up-to-date on their vaccines before having a procedure. Any specific requirements will be discussed with you prior to the surgery.
What can I expect post-op?
When the procedure is completed our team monitors your pet until the anesthesia wears off. Our veterinarian will determine when it’s safe for your pet to be discharged with prescribed medications. Our hospital has a pharmacy where you can pick up their medications to alleviate any pain. Your pet will have an incision on their abdomen (females) or scrotum (males) which should be checked daily for any abnormality. At no point should your pet be allowed to lick or scratch the surgical wound and our team may recommend a collar to prevent this from happening. It will take approximately two weeks for your pet to completely recover. Our veterinarian will share tips on how to encourage your pet to eat and take their medications. If you have any questions about your pet’s recovery, don’t hesitate to call us at 705-434-2226.